March 14, 2010

The top 5 reasons getting the mail today was B.A.

5. The state of Indiana's Department of Revenue sent me a letter saying: You're an idiot. You misfiled your taxes. Here's 70 more dollars.

4. The handcrafted soap dish I ordered off Etsy came today and the seller, MyNaturesArt, accompanied it with a free handmade soap.

3. This month's copy of TRAVEL + LEISURE is featuring "The best of Europe now." I can't wait to delve in.

2. There wasn't a single bill.

1. Jethro received his acceptance letter from UNC Asheville. Through the address hole I saw: "pleasure". . . "transfer student" . . . "Fall 2010." My body went limp as I tried to run upstairs and call him. (I'm pretty damn lucky it didn't say: It is our pleasure to inform you we will not be able to accept you as a transfer student in the Fall of 2010, but . . .")


1 comment:

  1. oh etsy, you dangerous dangerous place.
    LOVE that soap dish!

    Yay for more monies, yay for no bills, yay for Europe, scared yay for UNC, haha.

    Can't wait to catch up.

    love you!
