March 30, 2010

Afternoons with Rune and Mara Part III

Apparently I performed a doggie no-no:

I bought generic dog food.

Who knew I'd see the day Rune RAN AWAY from a full bowl of food. Instead of ferociously engulfing his entire allotment as if he hasn't seen food for DAYS, he turned around, and headed back to the room his food comes from as if to say, "I KNOW you're feeding me the cheap stuff, lady. I KNOW you have the goods back there somewhere. Just get it already!"

Whoops. Never again, Rune. Never again will I fool myself into thinking that you'll enjoy saving nine dollars as much as I do.

1 comment:

  1. How DARE you!!

    just kidding...we've changed Russell's food a couple of times and I think he's STILL mad about the last time.
    Now we just stick with the good stuff, and look for coupons.
