January 14, 2010

Citizen of the planet

Jethro and I are sitting in bed, both on our laptops with my iPhone and his iPod touch between us, and I cannot imagine the utter devastation that is currently being experienced in Haiti. I cannot. With all of this technology, fortune and bliss at my fingertips, I cannot understand how such a catastrophic event can strike and completely annihilate an area. It is not fair. And money, is money, is money, is money... but sometimes it is the only means available to assist. While I don't have time or canned beans to send, I'm going to donate the money I plan to make at work tomorrow to the Red Cross because hey, I have a place to work and I know where all my family members are and I know where my next drink is coming from.


  1. Ditto.

    The article in the star yesterday was especially emotionally crippling. A place that has seen so much devastation...Why again?

    Headed downstairs for a drink...

  2. p.s.
    if you haven't been on dooce lately, I just stole a really good link off her blog and posted it to mine. lots of different places one can go to donate/help, including texting.
    I guess it's a good thing we have this ridiculous amount of technology at our fingertips.
