June 2, 2010

The friendly arch

I've noticed lately that marketing in America has hit an all time low because businesses have resorted to paying desperate people to stand along roads and hold signs that say "CASH FOR GOLD" or "SALE," all while enduring extreme weather conditions. You know what I am talking about. I can't drive by these situations without cringing. But on to the reason I would even consider writing the previous on my blog.

A good friend is in a predicament and I have been taking him to work the past two days. The drive is an hour round trip and well, let's be honest, there are other things I would rather be doing at 7 a.m.


As we drive this morning I am rather tired, it is raining and my stomach is hurting because I ate a THE BEST DANISH IN THE WORLD right before bed. And what do you know, we approach McDonald's. Not a big deal. McDonalds, SchmicDonalds. A dime a dozen.

Except we're driving past Mickey D's and see a twenty-something Latino male decked from head to toe in his McDonald's get-up GETTING DOWN along County Line Road. It is raining, and he is holding a sign that says "PANCAKES AND HASHBROWNS $1" and grooving to the imaginary beat as cars pile into the drive through line.

I have a feeling dancers around the world are about to be in high demand.

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