September 28, 2010


I knew learning to make food would come with a lot of triumphs but I didn't know they'd come in such easy packages. Hashbrowns. Avacado. Egg. (& hot sauce, for the adventurous).

Of course, there are still about a million logistical things that I don't know how to do. For instance, I'm typing this hunt and peck style because I caught a piece of my finger while ferociously grating the potatoes. It's always those little cuts that bleed like hell.

Tip #1: Potatoes grate faster than cheese so move your fingers OUT OF THE WAY.
Tip #2: Don't grate potatoes to let off steam.

1 comment:

  1. That looks SO amazingly delicious.
    I've never considered that combo of flavors! Genius!

    Now...please, Please! teach me how to cook hashbrowns correctly!
