February 11, 2011

rice krispies: the things you do for love

Jethro and I are celebrating Valentine's today because I have to work Monday. (What do you know, people actually want to go out to dinner to celebrate their love for each other. RUDE.) Kidding.

Anyway, I woke up early so I had time to get some things done before Jethro got home from school. Mainly, I wanted to make him rice krispie treats because they are his fave.

Everything was going good. I was simultaneously ignoring how obnoxiously odd it was to stir marshmallows around in melted butter AND how sticky my hands were.

About this time I am reading the box and being deceived into believing that these treats are so easy that I'll have to make them more often! Lies. The recipe includes only four steps none of which mention to "MAKE SURE YOU COMBINE THE KRISPIES AND MARSHMALLOWS FASTER THAN LIGHT OR YOU ARE SCREWED."

I remained calm and started shoveling the goo into the pan. Except, the goo would not budge. So I dug my hands in, except, that was the worst idea EVER. Sticky hands, magoo.


It all tastes the same, right?


  1. You are hilarious.
    And that looks delicious.

  2. I TOTALLY get it! Why do they not put that on the instructions?? Imagine four and five year old hands in that sticky mess as well. No good.

    Your effort was valiant, and I would have eaten all of it ;)
