November 18, 2010


Is it okay to say that I have been neglecting the blogosphere because my masthead is ugly and I'm too darn stubborn (lazy) to come up with something new?

Well I am.

There are many signs that we had visitors this weekend. The pile of dishes has extended way farther than normal, clothes are strewn all over my room, and I surely am behind on laundry for the week. But everything is perfect. I really love having friends around. It's the perfect excuse to stray from routine and delve into random adventures.

Aren't these nifty?

Monday was hard. As an excellent weekend came to a close, I missed my friends in Indiana and the comfort of familiarity. I drove to work in the early morn near tears, feeling weak and confused. I have a superfluous amount of choices and I'm restless. How is a person who struggles to choose a brand of peanut butter at the grocery supposed to identify one career?

I try not to count the work days because I have six. I'm often exhausted, but some exciting things are in the works for the future. Hopefully I'll have GREAT news in the next month.

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