September 10, 2010


I told myself 50 times that I was going to document the decorating of our apartment and you know what, HA!, I didn't! I literally got the camera out once, took one single picture and then stuck my head so far into the cleaning/unpacking process that I didn't come out for days. No, really.

Well, we have the internet again. Whew. My "internet to do list" (which consisted of things I needed to look up or take care of online) was getting a bit hefty.

So despite the fact that you aren't going to be able to see a total before and after, I figured I'd take pictures just so you could see the progress. We don't have much on the walls and there is still plenty to do, but here she is!

I will say, this space is so magnificent. WARNING: Although I reaaaaaaly wanted to, I tried not to "tidy up". I figured that perhaps this way the end result will look even better. Experts call this the Botox effect; if you make the "before" picture as terrible and under-exposed as possible, the "after" picture will show drastic signs of improvement. I'm kidding about that first part.

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