I have become obsessed with blogging; not the act of doing so, but reading!
This is a BIG deal. Basically, this blogging concept is looking to destroy the foundations of excellent journalism. Four years ago when I began this sleep-deprived (have I already mentioned this?) coma that is college, "blogger" was equivalent with "fanatical basket-case who has no value within the journalism profession". And now, LEGIT journalists are trying to prove that TWITTER and FACEBOOK can work parallel with LEGIT journalism, and are even encouraging news organizations to incorporate these means of communication. One could say I had a minute problem with this. My initial feelings were rooted here: Perhaps the easiest way to destroy a group of people is to control their information, and I feel pretty strongly about not allowing this to happen.
Unfortunately, one of the things I've learned while earning my BAJ is that the Internet has allowed a plethora of views to pass off as truth, and most people are completely satisfied consuming SHITTY, SHITTY (BANG, BANG) information. Why don't we just do away with all those ethics? Who needs fair, balanced and accurate information anyway? I mean, all of Australia is okay with this! Just ask Rupert Murdoch; he's rolling around in their (and our!) nonchalance. And people, there is nothing that I hate more than looking at biased information. Hello Fox News. What a bunch of CRAP-OLA.
I've changed my ways, if only until I see what the Internet REALLY does to the journalism profession in, say, ten years. Until then, bring on the lunatics and fanatics. If you've got an opinion, get it, GIRRRRRL.
For the record, I am mildly afraid that the journalism gods are going to strike me down as I'm clicking "PUBLISH POST"; that in some way, this submission to the Internet is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. This is worse than my recent conversion from PC to Mac. But you know what they say: Once you go Mac, you never go back. Wait.. What?
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