April 11, 2010


I've posted way more pictures than words lately because I have had a very limited amount of time to think about anything besides homework. This has been a good weekend, an excellent weekend, and in the midst of it, I completed my last assignment in a LONG string of major assignments, projects and presentations. I have tomorrow off, or what I consider off-- all I have to do is show up for classes and go to work. NO PROBLEM.

Despite a MAJOR hang over (NOTE: gin and whiskey = bad combo), Carly, Jethro and I went to lunch and then hit up a flea market and an antique mall. Midland Antique BLEW MY MIND. I got dizzy and had to leave. The amount of treasures so overwhelming, my eyes unable to focus on any one thing too long. I only saw about 23432 things I want to purchase.


  1. Mark just said "she's never been to midland?"
    and I was all "IVE NEVER BEEN TO MIDLAND!"

    it was funny.
    but hello sensory overload!!

    And no, you cannot buy one of my photos. But if you tell me which one[s] you like, I will print some for you! :]


  2. hahaha. He has a point. I do drive by it every single day on my way to school. We should all go sometime!

    YAY! I'll talk it over with Jethro and let you know!
