May 31, 2010

From sea to shining sea

For living in Indianapolis, I don't care racing. At least when it comes to NASCAR I can name more than five drivers and safely say I've watched 30+ races (thanks, Trev). But IRL is foreign. My family used to go to the Indy 500, but I haven't been in years, maybe even 10.

This year Carly, Jethro and I decided to buy general admission tickets and get rowdy. And we got rowdy. We cracked our first beers before 11 a.m. (which was no major accomplishment in comparison to the infield regulars) and were feeling great by noon. The good thing about getting drunk early is you completely eliminate the hang over.

We are serious.
What you can't see is that I'm wearing a fanny pack.]

In other news, I have an excellent sunburn in the shape of a "wifebeater" and Jethro bought an iMac.

May 24, 2010

Clarity II

Today I started my internship. I am working for PR agency and this is a bit out of my element. Not surprisingly, journalism and public relation degrees are heavily intertwined. However, while the professions require similar communication skills, the writing for each is very unique. PR writing doesn't flow the same way journalism writing does, and it is something I'll certainly have to work at.

I'm working from home, not my home, but a home, and I spent the whole day in front of a computer. I know that this is my future - researching, compiling, interviewing, writing, editing, REPEAT - and to be honest, this feels great. Regardless, I feel so unprepared for a professional, forty-plus hour a week job. Today really gave me a small taste of what it is like to work OUT THERE *gasp* in the wild, where my work really counts. "A" papers count much more than "B's", and "D" papers will likely end in no-more-assignments-for-you-have-fun-on-unemployment. To be a writer, a journalist, a person who does not have a right and wrong that is anything but subjective, is complicated for a perfectionist because it's never done. The story is never over because this is REAL PEOPLE, REAL LIFE we are talking about. And a single house fire has so many stories, so many angles, so many follow-ups.

And that is what I want to do.

Or maybe I want to go into PR. I don't know. But I like being out there on the edge, discovering the new and finding out how it effects the old (me).

May 21, 2010


During the last few days our house turned into a jungle gym. Jethro's sister, Suzanna, her husband, Cable, and their children Ava and Felix came to visit. I'm amazed by these children. Their energy, intelligence and kindness is endearing.

All of these pictures are taken by Jethro. You should also check out his post here.

May 18, 2010

Pigs, they are flying.

For the first time in my life, I decided it would be a great idea to order jeans online. Now let me just say that over the span of my life, I have found maybe three pairs of jeans that truly fit. And you know, I don't think my body is all that complicated and have always been baffled by this phenomenon.

Nobody believes me when I say that the number one area pants don't fit me is the crotch. How is it possible? I don't know. Maybe my waste is a bigger size than my legs and therefore a more-than-obvious POOCH is created that will forever cause me to hate jeans shopping. I remember the first time I told my mom this. Her response was something like, "Oh, yeah right. That's not possible." And then she saw; she saw the extra fabric that accumulates in my crotch region with 75% of pants. (Yes, I did a scientific study.)

The point of this is to say that I ordered pants online and they freaking fit. At least, I think they do. And I paid half of the original price. Hooray!

May 17, 2010

My love.

Over the last month, I have watched Jethro re-fall in love with a project he started years ago. His passion and drive to complete this project is in full swing, and I could not be more proud of him.

Jethro is a spur of the moment kind of dude, especially when it comes to making major purchases. After buying on a total whim, he has decided to use the cite to track his final steps in completing his first book. I'm sure you'll also see a great pictures and hilarious anecdotes along the way.

Ladies and gentlemen, South of Ordinary.

May 12, 2010

Dysfunctional art projects with Mara

A few months ago I picked up a branch outside with the intention to create something I had seen in Martha Stewart Living. A few weeks following I was eating a Dove chocolate candy (you know the ones with inspirations written on the foil?) and it said something to the effect of, "Create the faux perennial branch."

Apparently Martha Stewart and Dove chocolate are working together.

Anyway, I took the hint... a month later.

Hers obviously rules, but one must not be too hard when comparing themselves to Martha Stewart.

May 11, 2010

Earth Day 2010

A few weekends ago I shot the Earth Day Festival for school. It was a good event and I probably would have attended had I not been fulfilling an assignment. I, like many people these days, have become increasingly interested in learning how my actions effect this wonderful planet. It's a good bandwagon to jump on.

At one point I was shooting a group of kids playing on recycled instruments. The guy leading was playing on a wooden shoe, and as I have my camera raised ready to shoot this tied-eyed man, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

There's a woman with a round face, thick black eye liner and red lips, outlined in pencil. She is about 5'3" and wearing a faux leopard skin jacket and black pants. She is staring at me, and I don't know why. Do I know her? She looks startled too. Except, she touched me.

"Are you a professional photographer - I mean, obviously you are, I see the camera - but have you ever thought of working on some projects?"


"Well, I mean, I am not a professional photographer at all, actually. I'm here shooting blah,blah,blah. But, if you're looking for someone, for portraits or whatever, I can refer you. I know some people who -- "

"Oh, oh. Never mind. I can tell if I am going to make a connection with someone and -- "


"Well, what did you see?"

"In you?"

No. In the sky. Yes, in me.

Yes, in me."

"You don't know yourself yet. You're young though, so you're in a good place. You've got time. But you don't know yourself yet. Keep looking."

Nodding. This is obvious.

you were a man in your past life."

May 10, 2010

Hire me! [NOT!]

After four hours of ceremony, I am (sort of) a college graduate.
[You know, minus 8 credits and all.]

May 4, 2010


I've posted three blogs in 24 hours because I do not want to study for my Islam & Modernity final. I can't do it. There are so many names, dates, facts, arguments, movements and viewpoints.


Anyway, luckily I have a boyfriend with a gnarly mustache to make me laugh in times of trouble.

May 3, 2010

the stars are aligned

Book bags weighing us to the floor, Jethro and I walk through the atrium of the downtown library. We are about to begin a study session. In unison we both sing, "Daaaaance" ( the music). And then we stop, as most people do, preparing to tell the other to continue. But we realize we just started singing the exact same song, at the exact same instant for no reason. It's not playing on the loudspeaker or anything. Nothing is playing. This is the library.

And Jethro goes, "Write about THAT on your blog."

May 2, 2010


I cannot paint my nails.

I feel like the kid who fails first grade art because they can't stay in the lines.

I have always struggled and questioned which connections in my brain aren't linked, inhibiting me from perfecting this skill. I turn my fingers toward me and away, right and left, trying to get the whole nail covered and somehow I end up painting my fingers EVERY time.

(crappy photobooth picture, but you get the idea)

In other news,

Okay. Just checking.