March 30, 2010

Afternoons with Rune and Mara Part III

Apparently I performed a doggie no-no:

I bought generic dog food.

Who knew I'd see the day Rune RAN AWAY from a full bowl of food. Instead of ferociously engulfing his entire allotment as if he hasn't seen food for DAYS, he turned around, and headed back to the room his food comes from as if to say, "I KNOW you're feeding me the cheap stuff, lady. I KNOW you have the goods back there somewhere. Just get it already!"

Whoops. Never again, Rune. Never again will I fool myself into thinking that you'll enjoy saving nine dollars as much as I do.

March 28, 2010

We've listened; we've plugged our ears.

Yeah. Health care reform. Nobody wants to talk about it. Everybody wants to talk about it.

Consistent with the American way, I'm interested in how this act effects me. Isn't everyone? All the passionate arguments are rooted in one of these two facts: This act is going to help me, or this act is not going to help me. And then, why I think you should agree with me.

So here it goes.
I will immediately be positively effected by health care reform. Last week I wrote down the medical things I needed to get done before getting kicked off my parent's insurance this Winter. I also made a list of all my current medical needs and expenses. I calculated it would be cheaper for me to work under 20 hours a week post graduation and thus be able stay on my parent's insurance. Realizing this sucked because for the first time my life was being altered because of health insurance.

BUT, because of President Obama's health care reform, I will be able to stay on my parent's insurance until I turn 26, REGARDLESS OF MY MARITAL AND WORK STATUS. This is amazing. And really, very consistent with the times.

Ian Shapira of the Washington Post wrote in "Health bill gives millennials extra cushion in adulthood,"
"In it's bureaucratic way, the government's restructuring of health care sets a new starting point for independent adulthood: no longer at age 18 or 21, but deep in the 20's."
I've been thinking this all along. It is true. I'm not 21 and married and about to have a baby like women of previous generations. I could if I wanted, but I don't. (And I don't think that is a bad way to go.) But I'm 21 and ready to see something, to experience something, to start my life and health care reform makes that DIRECTLY possible.

Of course this is not the only way I'm effected (both negatively and positively), but last week's concern has turned into this week's jubilation. And that is worth noting.

March 26, 2010


The details of this transition are still gray, but I feel comfortable making the official announcement. Jethro and I are moving to Asheville, North Carolina.

Why Asheville?

Jethro picked up his life and moved to Indianapolis a little under a year ago. At that time we assumed a) I would not graduate until Dec. 2010 and b) he would apply to some Indiana universities and transfer from Ivy Tech once he obtained residency this August. One night in January we were discussing whether we really wanted to live here for the next three years while he finished undergrad. (Once he obtained Indiana residency, we would be in the same waiting boat if we decided to move elsewhere.) I mentioned moving to North Carolina for a number of reasons, not the least of which was my yearn for new surroundings. Not three minutes later we were on the UNC Asheville website and he was applying. Fifty dollars later, the waiting process began. It really was that simple. Asheville was it; there were not any other contenders.

The gray areas?

We are leasing here until September. I need a job. He needs a job. We need a place to live. I am about to lose my insurance. But really, these are all things I'm not exceptionally worried about.

My biggest concern: I am still in the process of landing an internship and that will really determine when I am able to move. AND, they could revoke my diploma if I don't get one in time. That's pressure.

March 24, 2010


Recently our household gained two new members, one of which is human, and the other of which is Pogue. I love this cat, and when I downloaded "hipstamatic" for the iPhone last week, she quickly became my muse.

March 20, 2010


Barcelona Tapas. Starbucks. Monument Circle. Friends. A-Team Puzzle. Banjo. Blow horns. Beers.

Jethro done did turn 29.

March 17, 2010

I've done it again

I was up late last night and decided I need a new make up bag. I've had mine for over six years and it is GROSS. But I love it! The print is sort of like an old vintage couch- subdued green, pink and orange flowers with cream as the base color. I gave myself a budget of $20, because trust me, if you're headed to, GIVE YOURSELF A BUDGET. This lovely thing should be on its way to my house soon:


Because it is impossible for me to buy everything on Etsy, I must at least attempt to pressure other people to buy these wonderful bags. With the exception of the first one, all these were in my price range.

one : This bag is my favorite, and this seller - ShibaNgDesigns - has incredible stuff.
two : Adorable!
three : If you can't tell, I am into these stitching patters. (How's my lingo? HA. Terrible.)
four : This is more of a purse, but you could put make up in it.
five : This is the first bag I looked at. Little did I know this would turn into a two hour venture.

P.S. Someone needs to hurry up and pop out a kid so I can buy them these enormously adorable booties. They gave me the shivers. Please go look at her page and tell me you didn't get SICK TO YOUR STOMACH from the cuteness.

P.P.S. I need to look deeper into the legal side of taking pictures from the web. I attributed the pictures below, but is that enough? To stay safe, I used all links today.

March 14, 2010

The top 5 reasons getting the mail today was B.A.

5. The state of Indiana's Department of Revenue sent me a letter saying: You're an idiot. You misfiled your taxes. Here's 70 more dollars.

4. The handcrafted soap dish I ordered off Etsy came today and the seller, MyNaturesArt, accompanied it with a free handmade soap.

3. This month's copy of TRAVEL + LEISURE is featuring "The best of Europe now." I can't wait to delve in.

2. There wasn't a single bill.

1. Jethro received his acceptance letter from UNC Asheville. Through the address hole I saw: "pleasure". . . "transfer student" . . . "Fall 2010." My body went limp as I tried to run upstairs and call him. (I'm pretty damn lucky it didn't say: It is our pleasure to inform you we will not be able to accept you as a transfer student in the Fall of 2010, but . . .")


March 13, 2010

Love at first sight

Against the red wall in our dining room, this would look killer. Despite the price tag of $129, I am beyond tempted.

This isn't turning into a shopping blog, but I have been doing a fair amount of browsing lately. I'm obsessed with the solid muted tones for Spring: greys, whites, pinks, blues and browns. And the textures. Not that I'm even qualified to talk about fashion trends, but whatever is going on this season has inspired me more than the last six seasons combined. Here's just a few things calling my name:

The Sak Madera Crossbody

Ulvan, can be found at Aldo

Old Navy

Juicy Couture

Off the Beaten Path® Libia Sandal

And basically every single thing at Ann Taylor:
Floral Front Shell
Cashmere Cable Cardigan

March 8, 2010

My new obsession

TOMS shoes:

There isn't a lot to debate. The shoes are unique, incredibly comfortable and support a movement: shoes prevent disease, infection and create opportunity. TOMS slogan, One to One, clinches their agreement to donate a pair of shoes to a child in need every time a pair is sold.

For more information, visit

March 2, 2010


I had my final adviser appointment today, the one where we made sure all the required class boxes were checked and that I was set to graduate in May (!!!). To my oblivion, I need eight additional credits to the four I already knew about. This is okay, except I have been anxiously awaiting planning a European expedition that is now in danger of being placed on hold.

Before anyone thinks it, I know I should shut up. I have had my fair share of international travel for this year, but the truth is - traveling is all I think about. I have literally quit all my other passions and began frantically looking at flights, possible routes, hostels, weather conditions and rail passes. I woke up last Wednesday and immediately started searched cheap tickets to Jamaica, for no reason. Traveling has become my addiction, and I must annihilate my bank account to feed the need.

But my research has caused a few issues. How am I supposed to choose a limited number of cities to visit amongst the vast country that is Europe? Which tours should I take? Am I allowed to skip my family Christmas in July to take this trip? There are so many questions, options and scenarios that I have found myself stricken with anxiety.

Recently I recall hearing a woman speak about how the increased anxiety levels of females is directly correlated with the fact that our choices have grown incredibly. I really wish I could recall where I picked up this information, because I want to continue exploring. The psychology of this has never seemed more accurate.

Despite, I am planning this trip because I want to. I will do about anything to get those extra eight credits completed and I won't be surprised if I book the flights tomorrow. I can't quit the travel pipe.